Today news ondo state

Here are some of the top news stories from Ondo State, Nigeria for today:

1. Ondo State Government Approves N1.2 Billion for Road Construction: The Ondo State Government has approved the sum of N1.2 billion for the construction of roads in the state. The approval was given by the State Executive Council, which met on Wednesday to discuss various issues affecting the state.

2. Ondo State Assembly Passes Bill to Establish University of Medical Sciences: The Ondo State House of Assembly has passed a bill to establish a University of Medical Sciences in the state. The bill, which was sponsored by the Speaker of the House, Bamidele Oleyelogun, aims to provide quality medical education and healthcare services to the people of the state.

3. Ondo State Government to Establish 10 New Primary Healthcare Centers: The Ondo State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new primary healthcare centers across the state. The centers, which will be equipped with modern facilities, are aimed at providing quality healthcare services to the people of the state.

4. Ondo State Police Command Arrests 15 Suspects for Armed Robbery: The Ondo State Police Command has arrested 15 suspects for armed robbery in the state. The suspects, who were arrested in various parts of the state, will be charged to court soon.

5. Ondo State Government to Distribute 10,000 Bags of Rice to Flood Victims: The Ondo State Government has announced plans to distribute 10,000 bags of rice to flood victims in the state. The distribution, which is aimed at alleviating the suffering of the victims, will take place in the coming weeks.

6. Ondo State University of Technology (OSUTECH) to Commence Academic Activities Soon: The Ondo State University of Technology (OSUTECH) is set to commence academic activities soon. The university, which was established in 2009, has been undergoing renovation and upgrading of its facilities.

These are some of the top news stories from Ondo State for today. I hope this information is helpful.