New media book pdf

Here are some popular books on new media that you can download as a PDF:

  1. "New Media: A Critical Introduction" by Indra Levy: This book provides an introduction to the concept of new media, its history, and its impact on society.

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  1. "The New Media Reader" edited by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort: This book is a collection of essays and articles that explore the concept of new media and its relationship to art, culture, and society.

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  1. "New Media and Society" by David Gauntlett: This book examines the impact of new media on society, including its effects on communication, culture, and politics.

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  1. "The Language of New Media" by Lev Manovich: This book explores the concept of new media and its relationship to language, culture, and society.

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  1. "New Media and the Changing Face of Journalism" edited by David Domingo and Thorsten Quandt: This book examines the impact of new media on the journalism industry, including its effects on news production, consumption, and dissemination.

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  1. "New Media and Society: A Critical Introduction" by Chris Paterson: This book provides an introduction to the concept of new media and its impact on society, including its effects on communication, culture, and politics.

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  1. "The New Media and the Changing Face of Politics" edited by Gianpietro Mazzoleni and Winfried Schulz: This book examines the impact of new media on politics, including its effects on political communication, participation, and governance.

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  1. "New Media and the Changing Face of Education" edited by David Gibson and Michael J. F. Brown: This book examines the impact of new media on education, including its effects on teaching, learning, and educational institutions.

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Please note that some of these books may be available for free download, while others may require a purchase or subscription.