Tear him a new one

A classic idiomatic expression!

"Tear him a new one" is a colloquialism that means to scold, criticize, or reprimand someone severely, often in a harsh or sarcastic manner. It's like giving someone a verbal tongue-lashing!

The phrase is thought to have originated in the mid-20th century in the United States, and it's often used in informal settings, like with friends or family members. When someone "tears you a new one," they're essentially ripping apart your words, actions, or behavior, and telling you exactly what they think of it.

For example:

"John really tore his boss a new one after he found out he was being laid off without warning."

"Sarah tore her sister a new one for borrowing her car without permission."

Remember, this phrase is usually used in a lighthearted or playful way, so don't take it too seriously!