Renzi plots path back to italian power from tuscan basement

What an intriguing title! It seems like you're referring to Matteo Renzi, a former Prime Minister of Italy, who is now trying to make a comeback in politics.

For those who may not know, Matteo Renzi was the Prime Minister of Italy from 2014 to 2016, when he resigned after a constitutional referendum failed to pass. Since then, he has been out of office, but he has been trying to rebuild his political career.

Renzi's latest move is to create a new political party, called "Agire" (which means "to act" in Italian), which he hopes will become a major force in Italian politics. He has been touring the country, holding rallies and meetings with supporters, and trying to rebuild his image as a leader who can bring change to Italy.

It's worth noting that Renzi's path back to power won't be easy. He faces stiff competition from other parties, including the ruling coalition led by the Five Star Movement and the Democratic Party, which is still reeling from its own internal divisions.

However, Renzi has a strong following among young Italians, who see him as a symbol of change and reform. He has also been able to tap into the growing discontent among Italians with the current political establishment, which is seen as corrupt and ineffective.

So, while it's still uncertain whether Renzi will be able to regain his former position of power, it's clear that he is determined to make a comeback and play a major role in shaping Italy's future.