When a narcissist finds someone new

When a narcissist finds someone new, it can be a complex and dynamic situation. Here are some potential behaviors and dynamics to consider:

  1. Initial Infatuation: Narcissists often experience intense feelings of excitement and infatuation when they meet someone new. They may idealize the person, focusing on their positive qualities and attributes.
  2. Flattery and Charm: Narcissists may use their charm and charisma to win the person over, showering them with compliments and attention. This can be overwhelming and flattering, but also potentially manipulative.
  3. Emotional Unavailability: Despite their initial enthusiasm, narcissists may struggle with emotional intimacy and availability. They may be prone to mood swings, become distant or dismissive, or use gaslighting tactics to control the relationship.
  4. Need for Validation: Narcissists often require constant validation and admiration from their partner. They may become upset or angry if their partner doesn't provide the desired attention or praise.
  5. Control and Manipulation: Narcissists may try to control the relationship by dictating what their partner can and cannot do, or by using guilt, anger, or self-pity to manipulate them.
  6. Lack of Empathy: Narcissists may struggle to understand and empathize with their partner's feelings, needs, and boundaries. They may prioritize their own desires and needs over those of their partner.
  7. Inconsistency: Narcissists may be inconsistent in their behavior, mood, and emotions, making it difficult for their partner to predict or understand them.
  8. Projection: Narcissists may project their own negative qualities or behaviors onto their partner, accusing them of being selfish, manipulative, or controlling.
  9. Gaslighting: Narcissists may use gaslighting tactics to make their partner question their own sanity, memory, or perceptions. This can be a way to maintain control and manipulate the relationship.
  10. Disillusionment: As the relationship progresses, the partner may become disillusioned with the narcissist's behavior, leading to feelings of frustration, anger, or sadness.
  11. Attraction to the "New": Narcissists may be attracted to the "new" and the excitement it brings, rather than the person themselves. This can lead to a pattern of constantly seeking out new relationships or partners.
  12. Lack of Accountability: Narcissists may not take responsibility for their actions or the impact they have on their partner. They may blame others or make excuses for their behavior.

It's essential to remember that every individual is unique, and not all narcissists will exhibit all of these behaviors. If you're in a relationship with a narcissist, it's crucial to prioritize your own emotional well-being and set clear boundaries to protect yourself.