Kylie jenner chats fans twitter denies boob job

It seems like Kylie Jenner has been in the news again!

According to reports, Kylie Jenner recently took to Twitter to address rumors that she had gotten a boob job. She tweeted:

"Guys, I'm just gonna say it... I'm not getting a boob job. I'm not getting any surgeries. I'm just... me."

Fans were quick to respond, with many expressing their support for the reality TV star and entrepreneur. Some even shared their own experiences with body shaming and self-acceptance.

However, Twitter's algorithm had other plans. The platform's "edit" feature, which allows users to edit their tweets, was temporarily disabled for Kylie's tweet. This led to speculation that Twitter was trying to "censor" her message.

Kylie's fans were quick to defend her, with many accusing Twitter of trying to silence her. The hashtag #FreeKylie began trending, with fans rallying around the reality star.

In the end, Twitter restored the edit feature, and Kylie's original tweet remains intact. It seems like the drama has died down, but it's clear that Kylie's fans are fiercely loyal and will always have her back!

What do you think about the whole situation? Should celebrities be allowed to edit their tweets, or should they be held accountable for what they say? Let me know in the comments!