Unn latest news on post utme

Here are the latest news and updates on Post-UTME:

Latest News:

  1. Post-UTME 2022: JAMB Announces New Date for Registration: The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has announced a new date for the 2022 Post-UTME registration. According to the board, the registration will commence on June 20, 2022, and end on July 15, 2022.
  2. Post-UTME 2022: Universities to Conduct Online Exams: Many universities in Nigeria have announced that they will conduct their Post-UTME exams online this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Post-UTME 2022: JAMB Warns Against Fake Results: JAMB has warned candidates against presenting fake results during the Post-UTME registration. The board has also warned against using fake email addresses and phone numbers during the registration process.
  4. Post-UTME 2022: Universities to Consider Candidates' O'Level Results: Some universities have announced that they will consider candidates' O'Level results during the Post-UTME screening process.

Latest Updates:

  1. Post-UTME 2022: List of Universities that have Released their Cut-Off Marks: Here is a list of universities that have released their cut-off marks for the 2022 Post-UTME:
    • University of Lagos (UNILAG): 200
    • University of Ibadan (UI): 200
    • University of Benin (UNIBEN): 200
    • University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT): 180
    • University of Calabar (UNICAL): 180
  2. Post-UTME 2022: List of Universities that have Announced their Post-UTME Dates: Here is a list of universities that have announced their Post-UTME dates:
    • University of Lagos (UNILAG): July 18, 2022
    • University of Ibadan (UI): July 25, 2022
    • University of Benin (UNIBEN): July 22, 2022
    • University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT): July 20, 2022
    • University of Calabar (UNICAL): July 27, 2022

Tips and Reminders:

  1. Make sure to check the eligibility criteria for your chosen university: Before registering for the Post-UTME, make sure to check the eligibility criteria for your chosen university.
  2. Register early to avoid congestion: Register early to avoid congestion and ensure a smooth registration process.
  3. Use a valid email address and phone number: Use a valid email address and phone number during the registration process to avoid any issues.
  4. Be prepared for the exam: Be prepared for the exam by studying well and practicing past questions.

I hope this information is helpful.