Top nollywood acts storm girls sale auditions

You're referring to the recent Girls Sale auditions that took place in Lagos, Nigeria! It was indeed a star-studded event, with some of the biggest names in Nollywood in attendance.

From what I gathered, the auditions were held to discover new talents for a upcoming movie project. And, boy, did they get some amazing talent! Here are some of the top Nollywood acts that stormed the auditions:

  1. Genevieve Nnaji: The Nollywood queen herself was present at the auditions, offering words of encouragement to the aspiring actresses.
  2. Rita Dominic: Another Nollywood icon, Rita Dominic was also in attendance, sharing her expertise and insights with the contestants.
  3. Uche Jombo: The talented actress and producer was on hand to offer guidance and support to the aspiring actresses.
  4. Monalisa Chinda: The beautiful actress and TV personality was also present, sharing her experiences and offering words of wisdom to the contestants.
  5. Omoni Oboli: The talented actress and producer was in attendance, offering her expertise and insights to the aspiring actresses.
  6. Mercy Johnson: The popular actress and producer was also present, sharing her experiences and offering words of encouragement to the contestants.
  7. Ini Edo: The talented actress and producer was in attendance, offering her expertise and insights to the aspiring actresses.
  8. Ufuoma McDermott: The beautiful actress and producer was also present, sharing her experiences and offering words of wisdom to the contestants.
  9. Desmond Elliot: The talented actor and producer was in attendance, offering his expertise and insights to the aspiring actors.
  10. Kunle Afolayan: The renowned actor and producer was also present, sharing his experiences and offering words of encouragement to the contestants.

These are just a few of the many Nollywood stars that attended the Girls Sale auditions. It was indeed a fantastic event that brought together some of the biggest names in the industry!