Boc madaki new songs 2020

Boc Madaki is a talented Nigerian singer and songwriter, and I'd be happy to provide you with his new songs from 2020. Here are a few:

  1. "Kokoro" - Released in January 2020, "Kokoro" is a soulful love song that showcases Boc Madaki's vocal range and emotional delivery.
  2. "Gwara Gwara" - This upbeat track, released in March 2020, features a catchy hook and a fusion of traditional Hausa music with modern Afrobeats.
  3. "Kokoma" - Another love song, "Kokoma" was released in May 2020 and features a soothing melody and heartfelt lyrics.
  4. "Gidan Badamasi" - This song, released in July 2020, is a tribute to the legendary Hausa musician, Badamasi, and features a blend of traditional and contemporary styles.
  5. "Yarinya" - Released in September 2020, "Yarinya" is a romantic ballad that showcases Boc Madaki's vocal prowess and emotional delivery.

These are just a few of Boc Madaki's new songs from 2020. You can find more of his music on various music streaming platforms, including YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.