Time difference between canada and new york
Canada and New York are in different time zones, which means they have a time difference. Here's a breakdown:
Eastern Time Zone (ET)
- New York, USA is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET), which is UTC-5 hours during standard time and UTC-4 hours during daylight saving time (DST).
Canada Time Zones
- Canada has six time zones:
- Pacific Time Zone (PT): UTC-8 hours during standard time and UTC-7 hours during DST (west coast)
- Mountain Time Zone (MT): UTC-7 hours during standard time and UTC-6 hours during DST (western provinces)
- Central Time Zone (CT): UTC-6 hours during standard time and UTC-5 hours during DST (central provinces)
- Eastern Time Zone (ET): UTC-5 hours during standard time and UTC-4 hours during DST (eastern provinces)
- Atlantic Time Zone (AT): UTC-4 hours during standard time and UTC-3 hours during DST (eastern provinces)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Time Zone (NT): UTC-3:30 hours during standard time and UTC-2:30 hours during DST (easternmost province)
Time Difference between Canada and New York
- During standard time (winter):
- Pacific Time Zone (Canada): UTC-8 hours
- New York (ET): UTC-5 hours
- Time difference: 3 hours behind New York
- During daylight saving time (summer):
- Pacific Time Zone (Canada): UTC-7 hours
- New York (ET): UTC-4 hours
- Time difference: 3 hours behind New York
- For other Canadian time zones, the time difference with New York is:
- Mountain Time Zone (Canada): 1 hour behind New York
- Central Time Zone (Canada): 1 hour behind New York
- Atlantic Time Zone (Canada): 1 hour ahead of New York
- Newfoundland and Labrador Time Zone (Canada): 30 minutes ahead of New York
Keep in mind that these time differences are based on standard time and daylight saving time. During DST, some provinces in Canada may not observe DST, so the time difference might be different.