Macron believes trump will drop iran nuclear deal

You're referring to the recent statement made by French President Emmanuel Macron, where he expressed his concerns about the potential withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

In a recent interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro, Macron stated that he believes US President Donald Trump will ultimately decide to withdraw from the deal, citing the President's previous criticisms of the agreement. Macron's comments were made in the context of a broader discussion about the future of the JCPOA and the ongoing tensions between the US and Iran.

Macron's statement is not surprising, given the long-standing disagreements between the US and Iran over the nuclear deal. Trump has repeatedly criticized the agreement, calling it "the worst deal ever" and claiming that it does not address Iran's ballistic missile program or its support for terrorist organizations.

The JCPOA was signed in 2015 by the US, Iran, and five other world powers, with the goal of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. While the deal has been widely praised by the international community, Trump has consistently threatened to withdraw from it, citing concerns about Iran's compliance and the deal's limitations.

It's worth noting that Macron's comments were made in the context of a broader discussion about the future of the JCPOA, and it's unclear whether he believes Trump will actually withdraw from the deal. However, Macron's statement does reflect the ongoing tensions between the US and Iran, and the uncertainty surrounding the future of the nuclear deal.