Oyedepo news

Here are some recent news and updates about Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of Living Faith Church (also known as Winners' Chapel):

Recent News

  1. Bishop Oyedepo's 67th Birthday Celebration: In September 2022, Bishop Oyedepo celebrated his 67th birthday with a grand ceremony at the Faith Tabernacle, the headquarters of Living Faith Church in Ota, Nigeria. The celebration was attended by thousands of worshippers and dignitaries.
  2. New Church Building in Abuja: In August 2022, Bishop Oyedepo commissioned a new church building in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The church, known as Winners' Chapel Abuja, is one of the largest churches in the city.
  3. Release of New Book: In July 2022, Bishop Oyedepo released a new book titled "The Power of Faith". The book is a collection of sermons and teachings on the power of faith and its application in everyday life.
  4. International Conference: In June 2022, Bishop Oyedepo hosted an international conference at the Faith Tabernacle, which was attended by thousands of worshippers from around the world. The conference focused on the theme "The Power of Faith".

Recent Quotes

  1. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It is the anchor of our souls, and it is the key to unlocking the blessings of God." - Bishop David Oyedepo
  2. "The devil is a liar, and he will always try to deceive you. But the truth is that God is greater than any problem you may be facing." - Bishop David Oyedepo
  3. "Faith is not just believing in God, it is believing in His Word. It is believing that what He says is true, and that He will do what He says." - Bishop David Oyedepo

Recent Sermons

  1. "The Power of Faith" - A sermon on the power of faith and its application in everyday life.
  2. "The Authority of the Believer" - A sermon on the authority of believers and how to exercise it in their lives.
  3. "The Blessings of Obedience" - A sermon on the blessings that come from obeying God's Word.

I hope this information is helpful!