Tag my government is slow and steady buhari replies critics

Here's a possible response from President Muhammadu Buhari to critics who say his government is slow and steady:

"My dear fellow Nigerians,

I have taken note of the criticisms that have been leveled against my administration, particularly with regards to the pace of our progress. Some have said that we are slow, while others have accused us of being steady but not steady enough.

I want to assure you that we are not oblivious to the challenges that we face as a nation. We are aware that our country is facing numerous difficulties, from economic to security to infrastructure. And we are working tirelessly to address these challenges.

But I must say that I take umbrage with the notion that we are slow. Slow is a word that implies a lack of urgency, a lack of commitment, and a lack of passion. And I can assure you that my administration is committed to the progress and development of our great nation.

We are not slow, my friends. We are steady. We are deliberate. We are focused. And we are working towards a brighter future for all Nigerians.

We are working to diversify our economy, to create jobs, to improve our infrastructure, and to provide better services to our citizens. And we are making progress, albeit slowly.

But I want to assure you that we will not be deterred by the pace of progress. We will not be swayed by the criticisms of those who do not understand the complexity of the challenges that we face. We will continue to work towards our goals, with determination, with perseverance, and with a commitment to the well-being of our people.

So, I say to those who say that we are slow, that we are steady. And I say to those who say that we are not making progress, that we are making progress, albeit slowly.

And I say to all Nigerians, that we will continue to work towards a brighter future, a future where our children can live in peace, where our economy can grow, and where our nation can prosper.

Thank you, and God bless Nigeria."

This response acknowledges the criticisms, but also emphasizes the administration's commitment to progress and development, and its determination to overcome the challenges that the country faces. It also emphasizes the importance of perseverance and focus in achieving the administration's goals.