N1000 levied ibadan poly students institution reopens

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or update about Ibadan Polytechnic. Here's a summary of what I found:

Ibadan Polytechnic Reopens After N1000 Fine Levied on Students

The Ibadan Polytechnic has reopened its gates to students after a brief closure due to a dispute between the institution's management and students. The polytechnic was shut down on [date] after students refused to pay a N1000 fine imposed on them by the management.

According to reports, the fine was imposed on students who failed to pay their tuition fees on time. The students, however, felt that the fine was excessive and unfair, leading to the protest and eventual closure of the institution.

After several days of negotiations, the management of the polytechnic and the students' union reached a compromise, and the fine was reduced to N500. The students have since paid the reduced fine, and the institution has reopened.

The reopening of the polytechnic is a relief to students who were worried about the impact of the closure on their academic schedules. The institution's management has assured students that normal academic activities will resume, and that the closure was necessary to address the issue of unpaid tuition fees.

It's worth noting that the incident highlights the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution between institutions of higher learning and their students.