Jigawa state targets 1 7m children for polio immunization

That's great news! According to the report, Jigawa State is targeting 1.7 million children for polio immunization. This is a significant effort to protect the children in the state from the risk of polio.

Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is a highly infectious disease that can cause paralysis and even death. The disease is preventable through vaccination, and it's great to see Jigawa State taking proactive steps to protect its children.

The state government's efforts to immunize 1.7 million children against polio will not only help to prevent the spread of the disease but also contribute to the global efforts to eradicate polio. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other global health organizations have been working tirelessly to eliminate polio, and efforts like this will help to achieve that goal.

It's also important to note that polio vaccination is not only important for the children's health but also for the overall well-being of the community. When children are vaccinated against polio, they are not only protected from the disease but also help to create a barrier against the spread of the disease in the community.

I hope the vaccination campaign is successful and that the children of Jigawa State are protected from the risk of polio.