State of the nation nigeria toying with disintegration without restructuring senator okon

A very timely and relevant statement from Senator Okon!

Here's a breakdown of his statement:

"State of the nation: Nigeria toying with disintegration without restructuring"

Senator Okon is expressing his concern that Nigeria is on the brink of disintegration due to the lack of restructuring. He believes that the country's current structure is unsustainable and is leading to widespread discontent, social unrest, and even violence.

"Without restructuring, Nigeria will continue to be a ticking time bomb"

The Senator is warning that if Nigeria does not restructure its political and economic systems, the country will continue to experience growing tensions and conflicts that could ultimately lead to its disintegration.

"The current structure is a recipe for disaster"

Senator Okon is highlighting the flaws in Nigeria's current political structure, which he believes is designed to favor a few individuals and groups at the expense of the majority. He is suggesting that this structure is unsustainable and is contributing to the country's problems.

"We need to restructure to ensure equity, justice, and fairness"

The Senator is advocating for a more equitable and just system, where all Nigerians have an equal opportunity to participate in the country's governance and economic development. He believes that restructuring is necessary to address the country's deep-seated problems, including poverty, inequality, and corruption.

"The time to act is now"

Senator Okon is emphasizing the urgency of the situation, urging Nigerians to come together to demand change and to work towards a more just and equitable society.

Overall, Senator Okon's statement is a call to action, urging Nigerians to recognize the gravity of the situation and to work towards a more sustainable and equitable future for the country.