Stephanie okere linus italy advocate trafficked victims

I think you may be referring to Stephanie Okereke Linus, a Nigerian actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian who has been involved in various charitable initiatives, including advocating for the rights of trafficked victims.

Stephanie Okereke Linus is a well-known figure in the Nigerian entertainment industry, having appeared in numerous films and television shows. However, she has also been recognized for her humanitarian work, particularly in the area of anti-human trafficking.

In 2014, Stephanie Okereke Linus founded the Stephanie Okereke Linus Foundation, which aims to provide support and assistance to victims of human trafficking, as well as to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking in Nigeria and other parts of the world.

Through her foundation, Stephanie Okereke Linus has worked with various organizations and government agencies to provide shelter, medical care, and counseling to trafficked victims. She has also used her platform to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking, particularly among young people and women.

In addition to her work with her foundation, Stephanie Okereke Linus has also been involved in various other initiatives aimed at combating human trafficking. For example, she has worked with the Italian government to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking in Italy, and has also partnered with other organizations to provide support to trafficked victims in Italy and other parts of Europe.

Overall, Stephanie Okereke Linus is a dedicated advocate for the rights of trafficked victims, and her work has made a significant impact in the fight against human trafficking.