Asuu fg set seven man committee actualize 2009 agreement

It appears that you're referring to a specific agreement between ASUU (Academic Staff Union of Universities) and the Federal Government (FG) in Nigeria, which was signed in 2009. The agreement aimed to address certain issues affecting the Nigerian university system.

The seven-man committee you're referring to is likely the committee set up to actualize the 2009 agreement. The committee's primary responsibility is to oversee the implementation of the agreement and ensure that the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement are fulfilled.

The 2009 agreement between ASUU and FG focused on several key areas, including:

  1. Salary adjustment: The agreement aimed to address the salary structure of university lecturers, which was considered inadequate at the time.
  2. Funding: The agreement sought to increase funding for universities to enable them to provide better facilities and infrastructure for students.
  3. Staff welfare: The agreement aimed to improve the working conditions and welfare of university staff, including the provision of better housing, transportation, and other benefits.
  4. Academic autonomy: The agreement sought to enhance the autonomy of universities, allowing them to manage their affairs independently and make decisions without interference from external authorities.

The seven-man committee set up to actualize the 2009 agreement is responsible for monitoring the implementation of these terms and ensuring that the FG fulfills its obligations under the agreement.

It's worth noting that the implementation of the 2009 agreement has been slow and challenging, with both ASUU and FG facing various challenges and disagreements along the way. However, the committee's efforts are crucial in ensuring that the agreement is implemented and the Nigerian university system is improved.