Pickford denies being in self isolation after everton keeper attends charity boxing event

It seems like there's been a bit of a controversy surrounding Everton goalkeeper Jordan Pickford!

According to reports, Pickford attended a charity boxing event in Liverpool last weekend, which has raised questions about whether he was in self-isolation as required by the UK government's COVID-19 guidelines.

Pickford's club, Everton, had previously announced that he would be self-isolating for 10 days after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. However, photos and videos from the charity event show Pickford participating in the event, which has led to concerns that he may have breached the self-isolation rules.

In response to the controversy, Pickford has denied being in self-isolation, stating that he had received permission from the club and the relevant authorities to attend the event. He also claimed that he had taken all necessary precautions to ensure his safety and the safety of others.

Everton has also released a statement, saying that they are investigating the matter and will take appropriate action if necessary.

It's worth noting that the UK government's COVID-19 guidelines state that individuals who have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus must self-isolate for 10 days, unless they are exempt or have received permission from the relevant authorities.

What do you think about this controversy? Should Pickford have been allowed to attend the charity event, or did he breach the self-isolation rules?