How to add gallery on news in wordpress

Adding a gallery to a news article in WordPress can be a great way to showcase images and make your content more engaging. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Method 1: Using the WordPress Gallery Plugin

  1. Install and activate a gallery plugin like NextGen Gallery, FooGallery, or Gallery Plugin.
  2. Create a new gallery by clicking on "Add New" in the plugin's dashboard.
  3. Upload your images to the gallery by clicking on "Add Images" and selecting the files from your computer.
  4. Configure the gallery settings as desired (e.g., set the gallery title, description, and layout).
  5. Once the gallery is created, you can add it to your news article by using the plugin's shortcode or widget.

Method 2: Using the WordPress Media Library

  1. Go to the WordPress dashboard and click on "Posts" > "Add New" to create a new news article.
  2. Click on the "Add Media" button in the post editor to upload your images.
  3. Select the images you want to add to the gallery and click "Insert into post".
  4. Click on the "Gallery" tab in the media library to create a new gallery.
  5. Select the images you want to add to the gallery and click "Create Gallery".
  6. The gallery will be added to your news article.

Method 3: Using a Page Builder Plugin

  1. Install and activate a page builder plugin like Elementor, Beaver Builder, or Divi Builder.
  2. Create a new page or post using the page builder plugin.
  3. Add a gallery module to the page by dragging and dropping it from the plugin's module library.
  4. Configure the gallery settings as desired (e.g., set the gallery title, description, and layout).
  5. Add your images to the gallery by clicking on the "Add Media" button and selecting the files from your computer.
  6. The gallery will be added to your news article.

Tips and Variations