Reps move to bar presidential guber aspirants with criminal records

I think you meant to ask: "Reps move to bar presidential, guber aspirants with criminal records"

Here's a possible answer:

The House of Representatives has moved to bar presidential and governorship aspirants with criminal records from participating in the 2023 general elections. This decision was made after a motion was moved by a member of the House, Hon. Edward Pwajok, who argued that allowing such individuals to participate in the elections would undermine the integrity of the electoral process.

The motion was seconded by another member, Hon. Nnenna Elendu-Ukeje, who emphasized that the move was necessary to prevent individuals with criminal records from using their positions to perpetuate corruption and other forms of malfeasance.

The House also resolved to urge the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to ensure that all aspirants are thoroughly screened before being cleared to participate in the elections.

This development comes at a time when there are concerns about the integrity of the electoral process in Nigeria, with many calling for measures to be put in place to prevent vote-buying, rigging, and other forms of electoral malpractice.

It remains to be seen whether this move will be implemented and what the implications will be for presidential and governorship aspirants with criminal records.