New light lyrics meaning

"New Light" is a song by American singer-songwriter John Mayer, released in 2018. The song's lyrics are somewhat abstract and open to interpretation, but here's a general breakdown of their meaning:

The song's title, "New Light," refers to the idea of finding hope and positivity in a difficult or uncertain situation. The lyrics describe a sense of awakening or realization, where the speaker is able to see things in a new and more optimistic way.

The opening lines, "I was lost in the moment, I was lost in the night / I was searching for a reason, I was searching for a light," suggest that the speaker was previously feeling lost and uncertain, but is now seeking guidance and direction.

The chorus, "I'm feeling new light, I'm feeling new light / I'm feeling new light, I'm feeling alright," is a declaration of hope and positivity. The speaker is saying that they've found a new perspective or a new way of looking at things, and that this new outlook is bringing them a sense of peace and contentment.

Throughout the song, Mayer uses metaphors and imagery to describe the process of finding this new light. For example, he sings about "the darkness" and "the shadows" that he's leaving behind, and about "the sun" and "the light" that he's embracing.

The song's lyrics also touch on themes of self-discovery and personal growth. The speaker is acknowledging that they've been through a difficult time, but are now emerging stronger and more resilient. The line "I'm feeling new light, I'm feeling new light" can be seen as a declaration of independence and self-empowerment.

Overall, the lyrics of "New Light" are about finding hope and positivity in the face of adversity, and about embracing a new perspective or outlook that brings peace and contentment.