Slash foodstuff prices zimbabwes first lady begs retailers

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about the First Lady of Zimbabwe, Auxillia Mnangagwa, appealing to retailers to reduce food prices in the country.

According to reports, Mrs. Mnangagwa visited several supermarkets in Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe, and expressed her concern over the high prices of basic food items such as maize meal, bread, and vegetables. She urged retailers to reduce their prices to make food more affordable for the ordinary Zimbabwean citizen.

The First Lady's appeal comes at a time when Zimbabwe is facing economic challenges, including high inflation and food shortages. Many Zimbabweans are struggling to access basic necessities, and the high cost of food is a major concern.

It's worth noting that the Zimbabwean government has implemented several measures to address the economic crisis, including introducing a new currency and increasing the minimum wage. However, more needs to be done to address the root causes of the crisis and ensure that the country's citizens have access to affordable food and other essential goods.

In any case, it's heartening to see the First Lady taking a proactive role in addressing the concerns of ordinary Zimbabweans and advocating for their well-being.