New life church of god

New Life Church of God is a Christian church that is part of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) denomination. Here are some key facts about the church:

History: New Life Church of God was founded in [year] in [city], [state]. The church has a rich history of serving the community and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Denomination: The Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) is a Pentecostal-Holiness Christian denomination that was founded in 1881. The denomination is headquartered in Anderson, Indiana, and has over 7,000 churches worldwide.

Beliefs: New Life Church of God is committed to the teachings of the Bible and the principles of the Church of God denomination. The church believes in the following core values:

Services: New Life Church of God offers a variety of services, including:

Ministries: The church has a range of ministries that cater to different age groups and interests, including:

Leadership: The church is led by a senior pastor and a team of elders who are responsible for guiding the church's vision, mission, and operations.

Location: New Life Church of God is located at [address] in [city], [state]. The church has a modern facility that includes a sanctuary, fellowship hall, and administrative offices.

Contact: For more information about New Life Church of God, you can visit their website at [website URL] or contact them at [phone number] or [email address].