Days for naming of new born baby in islam

In Islam, it is recommended to name a newborn baby as soon as possible, preferably within the first seven days after birth. This is based on a Hadith (a saying or action of the Prophet Muhammad) that states:

"The naming of a child is a blessing from Allah, and it is recommended to name a child within the first seven days after birth." (Bukhari and Muslim)

In fact, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) named his own children within the first few days of their birth. For example, his son Ibrahim was named on the seventh day after birth.

The reason for naming a child within the first seven days is to:

  1. Seek Allah's blessings: Naming a child is considered a form of worship, and seeking Allah's blessings and guidance is an important aspect of Islamic practice.
  2. Avoid the evil eye: In some cultures, it is believed that the evil eye can harm a child if it is not named quickly. Naming a child within the first seven days is seen as a way to protect it from the evil eye.
  3. Establish a connection with the child: Naming a child is a way to establish a connection with it and to acknowledge its existence in the world.

In terms of the specific days for naming a newborn baby in Islam, there is no strict rule, but it is generally recommended to name a child within the first seven days after birth. Some scholars recommend naming a child on the seventh day, while others suggest naming it on the third or fifth day.

Ultimately, the decision of when to name a newborn baby is up to the parents, but it is recommended to follow the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and name the child as soon as possible.