Chile guatemala join latin american neighbours in closing borders

I think there may be some confusion here. Chile and Guatemala are two countries in Central and South America, respectively, and they are not typically considered to be "Latin American neighbours" in the classical sense.

However, I can provide some context and information on the topic of border closures in Latin America.

In recent years, several countries in Latin America have taken measures to restrict travel and close their borders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures have been implemented to slow the spread of the virus and protect public health.

Some examples of countries in Latin America that have closed their borders or implemented travel restrictions include:

It's worth noting that these measures have been implemented on a country-by-country basis, and the specific restrictions and requirements for travel vary widely depending on the country and the circumstances.

As for Chile and Guatemala specifically, Chile has implemented a system of quarantine and testing for travelers, and has closed its borders to non-essential travel. Guatemala has also implemented a system of quarantine and testing for travelers, and has closed its borders to non-essential travel.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!