New jerusalem bible pdf

The New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) is a Catholic Bible translation that was first published in 1985. Here are a few ways you can access the NJB in PDF format:

  1. New Jerusalem Bible Online: You can read the NJB online for free on the official website of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. The website offers the entire Bible in PDF format, along with other resources and study aids.
  2. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway is a popular online Bible study platform that offers the NJB in PDF format, along with other translations and study resources. You can search for the NJB on the website and download the PDF version.
  3. Catholic Online: Catholic Online is a website that offers a range of Catholic resources, including the NJB in PDF format. You can download the entire Bible or individual books and chapters.
  4. Amazon: You can also purchase a PDF version of the NJB from Amazon. Simply search for "New Jerusalem Bible PDF" on the website, and you'll find a range of options from different sellers.
  5. Google Books: You can also find the NJB on Google Books, although be aware that some versions may be limited to preview only.

Here are some tips for downloading and using the NJB in PDF format: