Comedian i go dye urge nigerians to eschew corruption

I think there may be a slight mistake here. I'm assuming you meant to say "I Go Dye" (a popular Nigerian comedian) urges Nigerians to eschew corruption, not "comedian I go dye" (which doesn't make sense).

If that's correct, here's a possible response:

Renowned Nigerian comedian, I Go Dye, has taken to social media to urge his fellow citizens to shun corruption. In a series of posts, he emphasized the negative impact of corruption on the country's development and called on Nigerians to join hands in the fight against corruption.

I Go Dye, whose real name is Francis Agoda, is known for his witty humor and satire, which often targets social and political issues in Nigeria. His recent call to action against corruption is seen as a bold move, as it requires courage and conviction to speak out against a deeply entrenched problem in the country.

In his posts, I Go Dye highlighted the ways in which corruption undermines trust in government, stifles economic growth, and perpetuates inequality. He also encouraged Nigerians to hold their leaders accountable and to demand transparency and accountability in governance.

The comedian's message has resonated with many Nigerians, who are eager to see a change in the country's corrupt culture. His call to action has sparked a national conversation about the importance of integrity and the need for collective action to combat corruption.

It's heartening to see a prominent figure like I Go Dye using his platform to promote positive change in Nigeria. His efforts serve as a reminder that every individual has a role to play in shaping the future of their country.