Definition of value by new world star dictionanry

According to the New World Star Dictionary, the definition of "value" is:

Value (noun)

  1. The amount of worth or importance that something has: "The value of the painting was estimated to be in the millions."
  2. The quality of being important or useful: "The value of education is immeasurable."
  3. A person's or thing's worth or importance: "She placed a high value on her independence."
  4. A standard or principle that is considered important: "Honesty is a value that is essential in any relationship."
  5. The amount of money that something is worth: "The value of the stock has increased significantly."

Synonyms: worth, importance, significance, merit, utility, usefulness.

Antonyms: worthlessness, insignificance, uselessness.

Note: The New World Star Dictionary is a fictional dictionary, and the definition provided is for illustrative purposes only.