Moving to new zealand

Moving to New Zealand! What an exciting adventure you're about to embark on!

Here's a comprehensive guide to help you prepare for your move:

Before You Move

  1. Visa requirements: Check if you need a visa to enter and live in New Zealand. You can use the Immigration New Zealand's Visa Wizard tool to determine your eligibility.
  2. Job opportunities: If you're moving for work, research the job market and your employer's relocation package. You can also explore job opportunities on websites like Seek or Trade Me Jobs.
  3. Housing: Look for accommodation options in your desired location. You can search for apartments, houses, or shared rentals on websites like Trade Me Property or
  4. Health insurance: Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage, as the public healthcare system in New Zealand is limited for non-residents.
  5. Finances: Plan your finances carefully, considering factors like cost of living, taxes, and exchange rates.

Packing and Shipping

  1. Packing: Start packing non-essential items well in advance to avoid last-minute stress. Consider hiring professional packers or using a shipping container.
  2. Shipping: Research shipping companies that specialize in international moves. Make sure to choose a reputable company that offers door-to-door service.
  3. Customs regulations: Familiarize yourself with New Zealand's customs regulations to avoid any issues with your shipment.

Settling In

  1. Getting settled: Allow at least 2-3 weeks to settle into your new home and get accustomed to your new surroundings.
  2. Registering with authorities: Register with the New Zealand government, obtain a tax file number, and update your driver's license and vehicle registration (if applicable).
  3. Finding community: Join local clubs, groups, or online forums to connect with other expats and locals.
  4. Learning about Kiwi culture: Familiarize yourself with New Zealand's culture, customs, and way of life to make the most of your experience.

Additional Tips

  1. Be prepared for the outdoors: New Zealand is known for its rugged terrain and unpredictable weather. Pack accordingly and be prepared for outdoor activities.
  2. Learn about the local job market: Understand the job market, salary expectations, and industry standards to make informed decisions about your career.
  3. Stay connected: Keep in touch with friends and family back home through regular phone calls, video chats, or social media.
  4. Be patient and flexible: Moving to a new country can be challenging. Be patient, flexible, and open-minded to make the most of your experience.

Final Checklist

Before you leave, make sure to:

Whew! You're almost ready to embark on your New Zealand adventure! Remember to stay positive, flexible, and open-minded, and you'll be enjoying the stunning landscapes and friendly Kiwis in no time.