Methodist church nigeria news

Here are some recent news and updates from the Methodist Church in Nigeria:

Recent News

  1. Methodist Church Nigeria Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Women's Ministry: The Methodist Church Nigeria celebrated the 100th anniversary of its women's ministry on March 21, 2023, with a special service at the Church's headquarters in Lagos. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Methodist Church Nigeria Condemns Kidnapping and Banditry: The Methodist Church Nigeria has condemned the increasing cases of kidnapping and banditry in the country, calling on the government to take decisive action to address the issue. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  3. Methodist Church Nigeria Launches COVID-19 Relief Efforts: The Methodist Church Nigeria has launched a COVID-19 relief effort, providing food and other essential items to vulnerable communities across the country. (Source: ThisDay Live)
  4. Methodist Church Nigeria Elects New President: The Methodist Church Nigeria has elected a new president, Rev. Samuel Uche, who will lead the church for the next four years. (Source: The Punch)
  5. Methodist Church Nigeria Celebrates 125th Anniversary of Its Founding: The Methodist Church Nigeria celebrated its 125th anniversary on March 12, 2023, with a special service at the Church's headquarters in Lagos. (Source: The Nation Newspaper)

Recent Events

  1. Methodist Church Nigeria Annual Conference: The Methodist Church Nigeria held its annual conference in February 2023, with delegates from across the country attending the event. (Source: Methodist Church Nigeria Website)
  2. Methodist Church Nigeria Youth Conference: The Methodist Church Nigeria held its youth conference in January 2023, with young people from across the country attending the event. (Source: Methodist Church Nigeria Website)
  3. Methodist Church Nigeria Women's Conference: The Methodist Church Nigeria held its women's conference in December 2022, with women from across the country attending the event. (Source: Methodist Church Nigeria Website)

Recent Statements

  1. Methodist Church Nigeria Condemns Hate Speech: The Methodist Church Nigeria has condemned hate speech and called on Nigerians to promote peace and unity in the country. (Source: Methodist Church Nigeria Website)
  2. Methodist Church Nigeria Calls for Prayers for Nigeria: The Methodist Church Nigeria has called on Nigerians to pray for the country, citing the current challenges facing the nation. (Source: Methodist Church Nigeria Website)
  3. Methodist Church Nigeria Urges Government to Address Insecurity: The Methodist Church Nigeria has urged the government to take decisive action to address the issue of insecurity in the country. (Source: Methodist Church Nigeria Website)

I hope this information is helpful.