Keep me in your prayers davido tells fans

It seems like Davido, the popular Nigerian musician, has asked his fans to keep him in their prayers. This is a beautiful gesture, as it shows that he values the support and love of his fans and is willing to be vulnerable and open about his life.

It's also a great reminder that even celebrities, who often seem to have it all together, can face challenges and struggles just like anyone else. By asking his fans to pray for him, Davido is acknowledging that he is human and that he needs the support and guidance of others.

I'm sure his fans will be more than happy to keep him in their prayers and offer him their love and support. After all, that's what fans are for - to be a source of encouragement and inspiration for their favorite artists.

So, let's all take a moment to send some positive vibes Davido's way and keep him in our prayers. Who knows, maybe his fans' prayers will be answered and he'll have an amazing year ahead!