Lyta new song

You're looking for the latest song from Lyta!

Lyta is a Nigerian singer and songwriter, and he has been consistently dropping new music lately. Here are a few of his recent songs:

  1. "Flex" (feat. Otega) - Released in February 2023, this song is a high-energy Afrobeats track with a catchy hook.
  2. "Bad Boy" - Released in January 2023, this song is a melodic Afrobeats track with a focus on Lyta's vocal delivery.
  3. "Kpakpakpa" - Released in December 2022, this song is a fast-paced Afrobeats track with a catchy chorus.

If you're looking for more, you can check out Lyta's official music channels on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music. He often releases new music, so you might find some other great tracks to enjoy!

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