David walliams new book

David Walliams is a prolific author of children's books, and he has written many popular titles. Here are some of his recent books:

  1. "Fing" (2019) - This is a humorous and imaginative story about a boy who discovers that his finger has a life of its own.
  2. "The Ice Monster" (2018) - This is a thrilling adventure about a boy who discovers a frozen monster in the Arctic and must help it to survive.
  3. "Billionaire Boy" (2017) - This is a heartwarming story about a boy who inherits a vast fortune and must learn to use it wisely.
  4. "Awful Auntie" (2014) - This is a spooky and entertaining story about a boy who is sent to live with his awful aunt, who has a dark secret.
  5. "Ratburger" (2012) - This is a humorous and quirky story about a girl who befriends a rat who is living in her attic.

David Walliams' books are known for their humor, wit, and imaginative storytelling, and are popular with children and adults alike.