Nlng receives 2016 excellence award education project

I think you meant to say "NLNG receives 2016 Excellence Award for Education Project".

Here's a possible response:

The Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Limited has received the 2016 Excellence Award for Education Project at the 2016 Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry Awards (NOG Awards). The award recognizes NLNG's outstanding contributions to education in Nigeria, particularly through its flagship education project, the NLNG Prize for Literature.

The NLNG Prize for Literature is an annual award that recognizes and rewards outstanding literary works by Nigerian writers. The prize is designed to promote and celebrate Nigerian literature, and to encourage writers to produce high-quality works that reflect the country's rich cultural heritage.

The award was presented to NLNG at the NOG Awards ceremony held in Lagos, Nigeria. The ceremony was attended by industry leaders, government officials, and other stakeholders in the oil and gas sector.

NLNG's education project has been recognized for its impact on the development of education in Nigeria. The project has provided scholarships to thousands of students, and has also supported the development of educational infrastructure in various parts of the country.

The award is a testament to NLNG's commitment to education and its role as a responsible corporate citizen in Nigeria.