Lekan remilekun amos new album

You're referring to the talented Nigerian singer-songwriter, Lekan Remilekun Amos, also known as Lekan Amos!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Lekan Amos hasn't released a new album recently. However, I can suggest some of his popular songs and albums that you might enjoy:

  1. "The Journey" (2019) - This is his debut album, which features a mix of Afrobeats, R&B, and soulful sounds.
  2. "Love Me" (2020) - This is a popular single that showcases his soulful vocals and catchy melodies.
  3. "Slow Down" (2020) - Another popular single that blends Afrobeats with R&B and pop elements.

If you're looking for new music from Lekan Amos, I recommend keeping an eye on his social media accounts or music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music. He might have released new singles or EPs that I'm not aware of.

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