Latest edo state news now

Here are the latest news updates from Edo State, Nigeria:

Breaking News

  1. Edo State Government Approves N1.5 Billion for Construction of New Secretariat Complex: The Edo State Government has approved the sum of N1.5 billion for the construction of a new secretariat complex in Benin City, the state capital. The project is expected to be completed within 18 months. (Source: Vanguard)
  2. Edo State Government to Establish 10 New Primary Healthcare Centers: The Edo State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new primary healthcare centers across the state. The centers will provide basic healthcare services to residents of the state. (Source: The Nation)


  1. Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, Meets with APC Stakeholders: Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, has met with stakeholders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state to discuss the party's activities and plans for the future. (Source: Leadership)
  2. Edo State PDP Chairman, Tony Aziegbemi, Resigns: The Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Edo State, Tony Aziegbemi, has resigned from his position. (Source: ThisDay)


  1. Police Arrest 10 Suspects for Armed Robbery in Edo State: The Edo State Police Command has arrested 10 suspects for armed robbery in the state. The suspects were arrested during a sting operation in Benin City. (Source: Punch)
  2. Edo State Government to Establish Special Task Force to Combat Crime: The Edo State Government has announced plans to establish a special task force to combat crime in the state. The task force will be responsible for tackling armed robbery, kidnapping, and other forms of crime. (Source: The Guardian)


  1. Edo State Government to Establish 10 New Markets: The Edo State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new markets across the state. The markets will provide a platform for traders to sell their goods and services. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Edo State Government to Partner with Private Sector to Boost Economy: The Edo State Government has announced plans to partner with the private sector to boost the state's economy. The partnership will focus on areas such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. (Source: BusinessDay)

These are some of the latest news updates from Edo State, Nigeria. Please note that the accuracy and reliability of the news sources may vary.