Large amount of money in different currencies found in hostage negotiators residence dss the eagle online

It sounds like you're referring to a plotline from the TV show "DSS the Eagle Online".

For those who may not be familiar, "DSS the Eagle Online" is a Nigerian TV series that follows the adventures of a team of detectives from the Department of State Services (DSS) as they investigate crimes and take down villains.

In the plotline you're referring to, it seems that a large amount of money in different currencies was found in the residence of a hostage negotiator. This discovery likely raises many questions and sparks an investigation to uncover the source and purpose of the money.

Without more context, it's difficult to speculate on the motives behind the negotiator's possession of such a large sum of money. However, it's possible that the money was obtained illegally, or that the negotiator was involved in some kind of criminal activity.

As the investigation unfolds, it will be interesting to see how the DSS team pieces together the evidence and uncovers the truth behind the negotiator's mysterious stash of cash.