New railway in kenya

Kenya is planning to develop a new railway network to improve its transportation infrastructure and boost economic growth. Here are some details about the new railway project:

Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) Phase 2:

The SGR Phase 2 is a 472-kilometer railway line that will connect the port city of Mombasa to the western region of Kenya, passing through the cities of Nairobi and Kisumu. The project is expected to be completed by 2024.

Key features:

  1. Length: 472 kilometers
  2. Capacity: 22 million tons of cargo per year
  3. Speed: Up to 120 kilometers per hour
  4. Number of stations: 12
  5. Cost: Estimated at KES 1.2 trillion (approximately USD 12 billion)


  1. Economic growth: The new railway will create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and increase trade between Kenya and neighboring countries.
  2. Improved transportation: The SGR will reduce travel time between Mombasa and Nairobi from 10 hours to 5 hours, making it a more efficient and reliable mode of transportation.
  3. Increased cargo capacity: The new railway will increase cargo capacity, reducing congestion on the roads and improving the overall efficiency of the transportation system.
  4. Environmental benefits: The SGR will reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality by reducing the number of trucks on the road.


  1. Funding: The project requires significant funding, which may be challenging to secure.
  2. Land acquisition: The project requires the acquisition of large tracts of land, which may be a challenge.
  3. Environmental concerns: The project may have environmental impacts, such as displacement of communities and destruction of natural habitats.

Other railway projects:

  1. Lamu Port and SGR: A 1,700-kilometer railway line that will connect the port city of Lamu to the rest of Kenya, passing through the counties of Lamu, Tana River, and Garissa.
  2. Nairobi-Nakuru-Eldoret railway: A 270-kilometer railway line that will connect the cities of Nairobi, Nakuru, and Eldoret, improving transportation links between the Rift Valley and the rest of Kenya.

These railway projects are expected to transform Kenya's transportation sector, improving connectivity, reducing congestion, and boosting economic growth.