Hong kong students boycott classes after weekend of violence

You're referring to the recent protests in Hong Kong!

Yes, it's true. Following a weekend of violent clashes between protesters and police in Hong Kong, many students have decided to boycott classes on Monday, joining the ongoing protests against the government's handling of the situation.

The protests, which began in June, were initially sparked by a proposed extradition bill that would have allowed Hong Kong to send suspects to mainland China for trial. However, the movement has since evolved into a broader pro-democracy movement, with demands for greater autonomy and accountability from the government.

Over the weekend, tensions escalated as protesters clashed with police in several areas of the city, resulting in injuries and arrests on both sides. The violence has raised concerns about the safety and stability of the city, as well as the future of the protests.

The student boycott, which is expected to continue for several days, is seen as a way for young people to express their discontent with the government's handling of the situation and to demand greater action to address their concerns.

It's worth noting that the protests have been largely peaceful, with many protesters calling for non-violent means of achieving their goals. However, the recent violence has raised concerns about the potential for further escalation and the need for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

What do you think about the situation in Hong Kong?