Reevas bestie recalls pistorius red flags he was aggressive

It appears that you're referring to the case of Oscar Pistorius, a South African athlete who was convicted of murdering his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, in 2013.

According to various reports, including an interview with Pistorius' best friend, Darren Fresco, Reeva Steenkamp's friend and model, Samantha Taylor, has spoken about the red flags she saw in Pistorius' behavior before the murder.

Taylor reportedly told Fresco that she had seen Pistorius being aggressive and possessive towards Steenkamp, and that he would often become jealous and controlling. She also claimed that Pistorius would often make Steenkamp feel uncomfortable and anxious.

Fresco, who was a close friend of Pistorius', has also spoken about the red flags he saw in Pistorius' behavior. He told the media that Pistorius would often become aggressive and violent when he was drunk, and that he had seen him hit Steenkamp on one occasion.

It's worth noting that Pistorius' defense team argued that he had not intended to kill Steenkamp, and that he had mistaken her for an intruder when he shot her through the door of her bathroom. However, the prosecution argued that Pistorius had planned and executed the murder, and that his actions were motivated by a desire to control and dominate Steenkamp.

The case against Pistorius was highly publicized and sparked a global debate about domestic violence and the treatment of women.