2023 elections will reflect voters expectations inec

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Indeed, the 2023 elections in Nigeria are expected to reflect the expectations of voters, and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has a crucial role to play in ensuring a free, fair, and credible process.

Here are some expectations from voters:

  1. Improved electoral process: Voters expect INEC to build on the gains of previous elections, including the 2019 general elections, and improve the overall electoral process. This includes ensuring the accuracy of voter registration, the efficiency of voting, and the transparency of the counting and announcement of results.
  2. Increased voter turnout: With the introduction of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS), voters expect a higher turnout at the polls, as the system is designed to reduce voter apathy and ensure that every eligible voter is accredited and counted.
  3. Reduced electoral violence: Voters expect INEC to take concrete steps to prevent electoral violence, including the deployment of security personnel, the use of technology to monitor the process, and the prosecution of perpetrators of violence.
  4. Improved voter education: Voters expect INEC to conduct effective voter education campaigns, particularly among first-time voters, to ensure that they understand the electoral process and the importance of participating in the democratic process.
  5. Enhanced transparency and accountability: Voters expect INEC to be transparent in its processes, including the release of election results, and to be accountable for any irregularities or malpractices that may occur during the elections.

To achieve these expectations, INEC has been working to improve its processes and systems. Some of the measures it has taken include:

  1. Conducting a comprehensive review of the electoral process: INEC has been reviewing its processes and identifying areas for improvement, including the introduction of new technologies and the strengthening of its institutional capacity.
  2. Introducing new technologies: INEC has introduced new technologies, such as the BVAS, to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the electoral process.
  3. Strengthening its institutional capacity: INEC has been working to strengthen its institutional capacity, including the recruitment and training of new staff, to ensure that it has the necessary resources and expertise to conduct credible elections.
  4. Engaging with stakeholders: INEC has been engaging with stakeholders, including political parties, civil society organizations, and the media, to ensure that their concerns and expectations are taken into account during the electoral process.

Overall, the 2023 elections in Nigeria are expected to be a significant test of the country's democratic institutions and processes. With the right preparations and measures in place, INEC can help to ensure that the elections are free, fair, and credible, and that the will of the people is reflected in the outcome.