Game of thrones season 8 episode 2 recap are sansa and theon in love


Season 8, Episode 2 of Game of Thrones, titled "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms," is a unique episode that takes place before the events of the main storyline. The episode is a flashback to the time when Jon Snow, Arya Stark, and Sansa Stark were still at Winterfell, and the Night King's army had not yet invaded Westeros.

In this episode, Sansa and Theon are not romantically involved. In fact, Theon is still struggling with his identity and his loyalty to the Starks, and Sansa is focused on her duties as the Lady of Winterfell.

The episode primarily follows Jon, Arya, and Sansa as they prepare for the impending war against the Night King. The three siblings share a heart-to-heart conversation, where they discuss their fears, hopes, and the possibility of their own deaths.

Meanwhile, Theon is shown to be struggling with his own demons, particularly his complicated past with his sister, Yara, and his feelings of inadequacy as a member of the Stark family. He is not romantically involved with Sansa, and their relationship remains platonic.

It's worth noting that the show's creators, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, have confirmed that Theon and Sansa were never intended to be romantically involved. In an interview, Benioff stated, "Theon and Sansa were never meant to be a romantic couple. Theon's story was always about his redemption and his relationship with his sister, Yara."

Overall, while Sansa and Theon do share some tender moments in this episode, their relationship remains a platonic one, and they are not romantically involved.