Brand new red iphone xr amazon

Here are the results for a brand new, red iPhone XR on Amazon:

Price: The current price for a brand new, red iPhone XR on Amazon is around $499-$549, depending on the seller and any promotions that may be available.

Availability: The iPhone XR is still available on Amazon, but supplies may be limited. You can check the availability on Amazon by clicking on the "Check Availability" button on the product page.

Sellers: There are many sellers on Amazon that offer the iPhone XR, including Amazon Warehouse Deals, Best Buy, and Apple Authorized Resellers. Be sure to check the seller's ratings and reviews before making a purchase.

Condition: Make sure to check the condition of the iPhone XR before purchasing. You can choose from "New" or "Used" options, depending on your preference.

Warranty: If you purchase a brand new iPhone XR from Amazon, it will come with a standard one-year warranty from Apple.

Shipping: Shipping times may vary depending on your location and the seller's shipping policies. You can check the estimated shipping time on the product page.

Here are some examples of brand new, red iPhone XR listings on Amazon: