New glasses headache

The dreaded new glasses headache!

It's not uncommon to experience some discomfort or headaches when adjusting to new glasses. Here are some reasons why this might happen:

  1. Adjustment period: Your brain needs time to adjust to the new visual input from your glasses. This can cause temporary headaches or eye strain.
  2. Incorrect prescription: If your prescription is not accurate, it can cause eye strain, headaches, or even blurred vision.
  3. Frame style or size: If the frames are too tight, too loose, or don't fit your face properly, it can cause discomfort or headaches.
  4. Lens material or coating: Some lens materials or coatings can cause eye irritation or headaches, especially if you're sensitive to certain chemicals or materials.

To alleviate the new glasses headache, try these tips:

  1. Give it time: Allow your brain to adjust to the new visual input. It may take a few days or weeks for your brain to fully adapt.
  2. Adjust the frames: Make sure the frames are comfortable and fit your face properly. You can adjust the nose pads or temple tips to get a better fit.
  3. Try different lenses: If you're experiencing headaches or eye strain, try switching to a different lens material or coating. Some people prefer aspheric lenses or polycarbonate lenses for comfort.
  4. Blink regularly: Blinking helps to reduce eye strain and fatigue. Make a conscious effort to blink regularly when wearing your new glasses.
  5. Take breaks: If you're experiencing headaches or eye strain, take breaks from wearing your glasses. Give your eyes a rest and come back to them later.
  6. Consult an optician: If your headaches persist or worsen, consult an optician or eye care professional. They can help you adjust your glasses or recommend alternative solutions.

Remember, it's normal to experience some discomfort when adjusting to new glasses. But if the headaches persist or are severe, it's always a good idea to consult a professional for further guidance.