Fallout new vegas dead money lose equipment

The frustration of losing equipment in Fallout: New Vegas!

In Dead Money, a DLC for Fallout: New Vegas, there is a mechanic called "Rad-X" that can cause you to lose equipment. Here's what happens:

When you're infected with the Rad-X virus, you'll start to lose equipment randomly. This can happen at any time, even when you're not in combat. The virus will slowly drain your equipment, and you'll start to lose items from your inventory.

The rate at which you lose equipment depends on the level of the Rad-X virus. The higher the level, the faster you'll lose equipment. You can check the level of the virus by looking at your Pip-Boy.

There are a few ways to mitigate the effects of Rad-X:

  1. Use a Med-X: Med-X is a medicine that can cure Rad-X. You can find Med-X in the game or purchase it from certain vendors.
  2. Find a Rad-X cure: There are several ways to cure Rad-X, including finding a Rad-X cure in the game or completing certain quests.
  3. Avoid getting infected: Try to avoid getting infected with Rad-X in the first place. You can do this by avoiding areas with high levels of radiation or by wearing protective gear.

It's worth noting that losing equipment in Dead Money is a deliberate design choice to make the game more challenging and immersive. However, it can be frustrating to lose valuable items, especially if you've invested a lot of time and resources into your character.