Ait news pdp flags of yesterday

I'm assuming you're referring to the PDP (People's Democratic Party) flags displayed in the news yesterday. Here are some possible news articles or updates that may have featured PDP flags:

  1. PDP Flag Unfurled at Party's National Convention: The People's Democratic Party (PDP) held its national convention yesterday, where the party's flag was unfurled amidst fanfare. The event was attended by party leaders, including the National Chairman, Senator Iyorchia Ayu, and other dignitaries.
  2. PDP Flag Raised at State Party Secretariat: The PDP flag was raised at the party's state secretariat in [State Name] yesterday, marking a significant milestone in the party's efforts to strengthen its presence in the region.
  3. PDP Flag Displayed at Campaign Rally: The PDP flag was prominently displayed at a campaign rally held by the party's presidential candidate, [Candidate Name], in [City Name] yesterday. The rally was attended by thousands of party supporters and featured speeches by party leaders and other dignitaries.
  4. PDP Flag Unfurled at Party's Zonal Meeting: The PDP flag was unfurled at the party's zonal meeting held in [City Name] yesterday, where party leaders and stakeholders gathered to discuss the party's strategy for the upcoming elections.
  5. PDP Flag Displayed at Party's National Secretariat: The PDP flag was displayed at the party's national secretariat in Abuja yesterday, as party officials and supporters gathered to celebrate the party's achievements and prepare for the upcoming elections.

Please note that these are just hypothetical examples, and the actual news articles or updates may have featured different information or events.