New makun city

You're referring to Makurdi, the capital city of Benue State in Nigeria!

Makurdi is a city located in the central part of Nigeria, along the Benue River. It's a significant cultural and economic hub in the region, known for its rich history, vibrant markets, and stunning natural surroundings.

Here are some interesting facts about Makurdi:

  1. History: Makurdi has a rich history dating back to the 19th century, when it was a major trading center for the Tiv people.
  2. Cultural significance: The city is home to the Tiv people, one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria. The Tiv culture is known for its vibrant traditional attire, music, and dance.
  3. Economy: Makurdi is a major commercial center, with a thriving market that sells everything from fresh produce to manufactured goods.
  4. Education: The city is home to several universities, including the Benue State University and the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi.
  5. Natural attractions: Makurdi is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, including the Benue River, which offers opportunities for fishing and boating.
  6. Festivals: The city hosts several festivals throughout the year, including the Tiv Cultural Festival, which celebrates the Tiv people's rich cultural heritage.
  7. Cuisine: Makurdi is famous for its delicious local dishes, such as "akara" (fried bean cakes), "kunu" (a traditional millet drink), and "pepper soup" (a spicy soup made with peppers and meat or fish).

Overall, Makurdi is a vibrant and culturally rich city that offers a unique blend of traditional and modern experiences.