Ellen guan pii_email_a6e6a377d8309fae7a85 payroll manager new york new york

It looks like you're trying to find information about Ellen Guan, a Payroll Manager based in New York, New York. Here's what I could find:

Name: Ellen Guan Title: Payroll Manager Location: New York, New York Email: pii_email_a6e6a377d8309fae7a85

Unfortunately, I couldn't find much more information about Ellen Guan beyond her title and location. If you're trying to contact her or learn more about her work, you may want to try searching for her on professional networking sites like LinkedIn or searching for her company's website.

If you're trying to verify her email address, you can try sending a test email to see if it's valid. However, please be respectful of her time and only use this information for legitimate purposes.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!