Buhari bbc news

Here are some recent news articles about President Muhammadu Buhari from BBC News:

Latest News

  1. Nigeria's President Buhari to seek re-election (February 2019) President Muhammadu Buhari has announced that he will seek re-election in Nigeria's 2019 presidential election. He made the announcement in a broadcast to the nation, saying he was seeking a second term to complete his promises to the country.
  2. Nigeria's Buhari signs new anti-corruption law (May 2018) President Muhammadu Buhari has signed a new anti-corruption law into effect, aimed at tackling graft in Nigeria. The law increases the punishment for corruption and introduces new measures to prevent corrupt practices.
  3. Nigeria's Buhari to visit China for talks (April 2018) President Muhammadu Buhari is set to visit China for talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The visit is expected to focus on strengthening economic ties between the two countries.

Previous News

  1. Nigeria's Buhari returns to Nigeria after medical leave (August 2017) President Muhammadu Buhari returned to Nigeria after a 103-day medical leave in the UK. He was treated for an undisclosed medical condition and has since resumed his duties as president.
  2. Nigeria's Buhari sacks top officials in anti-corruption drive (October 2016) President Muhammadu Buhari sacked several top officials in his administration, including the head of the country's anti-corruption agency, in a bid to tackle corruption in the government.
  3. Nigeria's Buhari wins election, but opposition cries foul (March 2015) President Muhammadu Buhari won the Nigerian presidential election, defeating incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan. However, the opposition party claimed that the election was marred by irregularities and fraud.

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may no longer be available on the BBC News website.